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Join us for our Leaders Forum: Local to Global in San Diego on April 2

Jennifer Bielewski
Mon, Mar 11, 2019 12:47 PM

You're invited to the LYRASIS Leaders Forum: Local to Global in San Diego on April 2, 2019.
We've just had our first forum in Raleigh/Durham where we had discussions on embracing open source, open educational resources and scholarly communications and open access publishing. We'll be on our way soon to San Diego and would like you to be a part of our Forum.

Our agenda will include panel discussions on the trajectory of research & scholarly communication in the library with focus on specific projects and issues with global impact.  We will also hold presentations and discussions on the context of object and historical collections will discuss leveraging those collections for sustainability, community engagement, and advancement of research.

LYRASIS Leaders Forums are an educational networking experience unlike anything else in the libraries, archives, and museum community.

The event is free, we will provide breakfast, lunch, and breaks. For more information please see http://lyrasisnow.org/2019-leaders-forums/

April 2 - The Prado at Balboa Park, San Diegohttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=kdehfp5ab.0.0.64z577bab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lyrasis.org%2FContent%2FPages%2FEvent-Details.aspx%3FEid%3D956786E1-442A-E911-80F3-00155D73CF34

Thank you,

Jennifer Bielewski
Community Engagement Manager
Main: 800.999.8558 x 2915
Direct: 678-235-2915
Skype: Jenn Bielewski

You're invited to the LYRASIS Leaders Forum: Local to Global in San Diego on April 2, 2019. We've just had our first forum in Raleigh/Durham where we had discussions on embracing open source, open educational resources and scholarly communications and open access publishing. We'll be on our way soon to San Diego and would like you to be a part of our Forum. Our agenda will include panel discussions on the trajectory of research & scholarly communication in the library with focus on specific projects and issues with global impact. We will also hold presentations and discussions on the context of object and historical collections will discuss leveraging those collections for sustainability, community engagement, and advancement of research. LYRASIS Leaders Forums are an educational networking experience unlike anything else in the libraries, archives, and museum community. The event is free, we will provide breakfast, lunch, and breaks. For more information please see http://lyrasisnow.org/2019-leaders-forums/ April 2 - The Prado at Balboa Park, San Diego<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=kdehfp5ab.0.0.64z577bab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lyrasis.org%2FContent%2FPages%2FEvent-Details.aspx%3FEid%3D956786E1-442A-E911-80F3-00155D73CF34> Thank you, Jennifer Bielewski Community Engagement Manager Main: 800.999.8558 x 2915 Direct: 678-235-2915 Skype: Jenn Bielewski